What is Domestic Abuse?
Domestic abuse is an ongoing pattern of behaviors that one intimate partner uses to control the other. It may include manipulation, threats, name calling, isolation, intimidation, stalking, blame, and/or physical harm.
Power & Control Wheel
Cycle of Violence
Warning Signs
No one can fully predict if a partner will be abusive, but some warning signs do exist.
Red Flags
Why They Batter
Leaving Isn't Easy
Victims may also face increased threats about violence, child custody, and more. Leaving any relationship can be difficult, but leaving an abusive relationship can also include financial, cultural, physical, and emotional factors.
If you are trying to leave an abusive relationship, we can help you plan for the safest way to do so.
Please call us at 920-435-0100 or text at 920-770-6415.
Why Leaving Isn't Easy
Impact on Children
Experiencing domestic abuse can have lifelong impacts on a child emotionally, physically, and socially. The good news is that it only takes one caring adult to positively change that child's life.
Impacts on Children
Changing Minds Now
Teen Dating Violence
Understanding the difference between healthy and toxic relationships is key for teens to form good relationships in the future. Like domestic violence, dating abuse is defined by one partner trying to control the other.
Love is Respect
Helping A Friend
The most important thing you can do to help a victim is to listen and support her or him without judgment.
We have a group for friends and family supporting victims. Join us to learn more about abuse and how you can help.
What Can I Do
"I see myself now as a survivor of domestic violence, not a victim.” - Survivor |